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Ronald Graeser's Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)


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Ronald Graeser has provided voters with clear stances on key issues by responding to the 2018 Political Courage Test.

What is the Political Courage Test?

Michigan Congressional Election 2018 Political Courage Test

Pro-choice Do you generally support pro-choice or pro-life legislation?
The fundamental justification for the existence of government is The Protection of Innocent Human Life as enunciated in the Declaration of Independence. The mind set that ignores, indeed violates, this reason for the very existence of government will make poor decisions on all other matters. Until abortion is again outlawed, don't expect good things from government or from God. Roe v. Wade must be annulled, and I will do all I can to protect innocent human life in America.
No In order to balance the budget, do you support an income tax increase on any tax bracket?
No In order to balance the budget, do you support reducing defense spending?
After the federal government has stopped all of its unconstitutional activities, there will be a marked decrease the in need for taxes. Then the federal internal revenue service and its laws can be repealed. The federal government's constitutionally authorized functions are to protect the states that united together, to make and enforce treaties with other nations and to facilitate interstate interactions. It has no authority to: involve itself in education, regulate energy, regulate farming, control what it decides are wetlands, mandate the labeling of mattresses, mandate the function of toilets, etc, etc, etc.
Yes Do you support the regulation of indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions?
I would legislate to allow political donations to be given only by human American individuals from their own private funds, not legal persons such as corporations. Right now we have "the best congress that money can buy." And that congress plays the tune that the piper has paid for. The working class has been enslaved.
No Do you support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth?
Yes Do you support lowering corporate taxes as a means of promoting economic growth?
The federal government's constitutionally authorized functions include nothing about the government managing economic growth. And as an aside, the "invisible hand of the free market" is far superior in promoting economic growth than the economic, currently-fashionable philosophies of a ruling elite class using the force of government to accomplish their will.
No Do you support requiring states to adopt federal education standards?
The federal government's constitutionally authorized functions include nothing about the government being involved in education. The final responsibility of a child's education lies with the child's parents.
No Do you support government funding for the development of renewable energy (e.g. solar, wind, thermal)?
No Do you support the federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions?
The federal government's constitutionally authorized functions include nothing about the government being involved in energy or greenhouse emissions. As an example: cow flatulence is no concern of the government.
No Do you generally support gun-control legislation?
The right to bear arms is guaranteed in the constitution. This is part of an individual's God given right to self-defense. It is also a major deterrent to tyranny.
Yes Do you support repealing the 2010 Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare")?
The federal government's constitutionally authorized functions include nothing about the government being involved in the health care of its citizens. As a physician I can tell you from seeing government involvement up close and personal that government has caused most of the medical care problems. As an example: as legislated by the STARK act of 1984 a physician can be imprisoned for 5 years for submitting a diagnosis to the government that they don't agree with.
Yes Do you support the construction of a wall along the Mexican border?
Yes Do you support requiring immigrants who are unlawfully present to return to their country of origin before they are eligible for citizenship?
You find where a country is located by finding its borders. If the borders are trespassed without consequence then they effectively don't exist, and you don't have a nation. Not only should all unlawfully present persons be returned to their own country at their own expense, but that should be held against them as being lawbreakers if they later apply for citizenship.
No Do you support the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes?
The individual state has the authority to legalize or outlaw medicines. I am running for a federal office. The federal government's constitutionally authorized functions include nothing about the government controlling foods, herbs, medicinals. That is a state function, not a federal function. From 1776 until 1911 this nation had no "drug laws." The first federal drug law passed legally in the form of the 18th amendment was a disaster causing overwhelming violation of the law, and the funding of criminals. Our wiser forebears repealed it.
No Should the United States use military force in order to prevent governments hostile to the U.S. from possessing a nuclear weapon?
No Do you support increased American intervention in Middle Eastern conflicts beyond air support?
From the Spanish American war until the present (undeclared) war this nation has fought in wars of no benefit to the U.S. From the Korean war to the present we have illegally fought wars without the Congress declaring war as mandated by the Constitution (Article I Section 8 Clauses 11-14). If this nation forces other nations to have only weapons that the U.S. approves of, then we are ruling the world. This is imperialism pure and simple, it is not authorized by the U.S. constitution and it is a dangerous, fool-hardy invitation to this nation's destruction.
Succinctly: Return to limited constitutionally authorized federal government. Support Donald Trump. Repeal an estimated 90% of federal laws.

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